Boddington C of E Primary Academy

  • evolve trust

Golden Eagles Class - Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

Welcome to Key Stage 2

Respect, Believe, Succeed

Boddington develops happy, confident and well-rounded children, giving them the best possible start for life.

About our Golden Eagles Class

​Boddington is a place to discover, share and explore; a place to escape into adventures, a place for surprise and above all, a place where children love to learn.

Unique talents are nurtured through our varied and exciting curriculum, whilst our stimulating and inspiring teaching develops children’s passion and strengths. At Boddington, pupils’ imaginations are ignited from an early stage.

Reading For Pleasure

We encourage the children to develop a love for reading, though daily storytime, adult reading volunteers, appointed reading ambassadors, opportunities for children to 'recommend a read' to each other as well as staff sharing the latest books, which they are enjoying.

Look at these reading suggestions for each year group. Why not challenge yourself to see how many you can read this year?

If you feel like branching out, away from your favourite authors, have a look at these suggestions!

Current Learning and Topics

Boddington is very much a family school where we aim to cater for the needs of each child in a secure, stimulating environment.

The current topic in the Golden Eagle class is ' Ancient Egpyt '.  See our termly learning journey below for more details.

In May, our Y6 children will sit their national Key Stage 2 Tests. Please download the information here which explains more about the tests.

Golden Eagles



As a school, we know the importance of learning resilience, confidence and independence. Therefore, in Golden Eagles, we give the children the opportunity to attend a Y4 and a Y6 residential with our federated partner, Culworth Primary Academy.

  • Our Y6 Residential
  • Our Y4 Residential

Sport is a key part of our Golden Eagles Experience, within and out of the school day. We visit our feeder secondary school, Chenderit on a regular basis to participate in sporting events.



Our 3 day annual trip to Irthlingborough Adventure Centre for our Y4 Children


As a school, we teach children about sustainability, the environment and their place within the wider world. We show care for our community, by litter picking in our local area as well as developing our school council to support pupils within the school to make decisions and plan projects for improvement.

Our Team


Miss Kelly

I am from Belfast, Ireland. I attended the  University of Ulster, Jordanstown and graduated with honors in Language and Linguistics, then completed a PGCE with the University of Sunderland. For the past 10 years I have lived in the Middle East. I spent five years living in Doha, Qatar before moving to Dubai in the UAE. Whilst there I taught in multiple international schools and a range of nationalities. I enjoy teaching all subjects but have a special interest in STEM topics, especially technology. I have focused on this previously with my students to help them use technology to enhance their learning and to develop their skill sets. I am an avid Gaelic football player and played in both Qatar and the UAE. I was a member of the county board and helped run tournaments across the region as well as being the chairperson of my club Jumeirah Gaels in Dubai. 

Also working within our class is:

Mrs Hinks

Miss Wakeman

Ms Carvosso

Mrs Ions


Respect, Believe, Succeed

Our school vision shines through in all we do. We show respect towards each other in our school community and towards the wider world. We believe in ourselves and nurture our own self esteem and resilience. We enable ourselves and others to succeed through perseverance and collaboration.

Termly Learning Journey




Current Homework and Spelling Information - 2024 - 2025

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”— Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”

At Boddington, we would like to encourage children to read as much as possible. It is our aim for children to develop a love for reading, where they will want to read for their own pleasure. Some children may need further encouragement to read and so we will also be awarding housepoints to encourage all readers. 

When you read with an adult, please ask them to sign to say they have listened to you. Four signatures each week will help you earn 2 house points. 


Children are not required to complete reading records as in Kingfisher class. Every child has a pitch book which can be changed every Friday.  They should be reading for a minimum of 15minutes four times a week. If they have finished their pitch book before Friday, they can read their reading for pleasure book to count towards their homework tally. It is beneficial for all children to read aloud to an adult and to be read to on a daily basis.


In line with the National Curriculum, each year group has a specific set of spellings to cover over the year. These will come home at the start of each term in your child’s homework book. Spellings are checked in class every Thursday.


Children also need to regularly practise their fluency in number and we subscribe to TimeTables Rockstars and SplashLearn. When you sign in and complete a session, please ask an adult to sign.  Four signatures each week will help you earn 2 housepoints.

Children in Years 1 to 6 will also have a learnits sheet with specific number facts to learn. If they get their sheet correct in their progress check in school, they will receive one housepoint. 

Homework books will need to be handed into your child’s class teacher each Thursday and will be sent home on Fridays. 

If you have any issues with being able to access the homework activities, please do contact either Mrs P or your child’s class teacher and we will do our best to support you.


Golden Eagles information booklet


    golden eagle class info booklet 2023 24.pdf


Stay Up To Date With Our Latest News

We are making you aware that we use social media as part of the school's public duty to evidence pupil's educational development and attainment. We also aim to provide aspects of the schools culture and values particularly for existing and prospective pupils and for the whole school community.

​Follow us on Facebook for our daily updates and upcoming events:

Useful Links and Documents

​The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a statutory key stage two assessment, which tests year 4 pupils' knowledge of the multiplication tables within 12 × 12.The MTC is in the format of an online test with 25 questions with children being given six seconds to answer each of the questions within the time limit.

Visit this website to try a simulation of the MTC

In order to support our Y4s to succeed with this assessment, here are some useful website links, to use to practise times tables.



Mental Maths Train :​

Small Schools with Big School Opportunities

Boddington Primary School is federated with Culworth Primary School. We work together to provide a better education for the children of our communities.  Together, we are also a part of the The Evolve Church Academy Trust, comprised of 4 primary schools located in the South Northamptonshire area. The schools are all geographically very close to each other in the villages of: Boddington, Chacombe, Culworth and Weedon Lois (St Loys) near to the town of Banbury.Multi Academy Trust and Local Collaborative Trust of the primary schools in the Chenderit Cluster, recently recognised by Companies House. ​