"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
Psalm 119:105
National Curriculum
It is important to us that all children should feel safe and secure at the start of their time in school. We provide a consistent relationship across all aspects of time in school as we believe this is important in shaping children's regard for themselves and others.
We work alongside our other Trust schools in a cycle of continual development and improvement.
In 2023, the Evolve Trust became Associate members of the Warriner MAT. We adopted the Warriner Curriculum to be used in all schools across the Evolve Trust.
You can find all the information about the Warrniner MAT curriculum via the link below.
The information includes:
The curriculum ambition;
The curriculum policy;
The long term curriculum framework; and
Individual subject overviews
National Curriculum Programmes of study:
Phonics Read, Write Inc
Religious Education Information
Religious Education - Boddington Long Term Plan
In the Foundation Stage children work on 3 prime areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
As children grow, the prime areas help them develop skills in 4 further important areas. These are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
The children learn to respect different cultures and customs through art, music, play, stories and RE. The curriculum develops an awareness of the lives and work of people both in the school and in the wider community. It also develops an awareness of change over time through talking about their own growth and family events. Children learn to read and write through meaningful activities.
Key Stage 1 and 2
The children learn in an attractive and safe environment to:
- Develop independence
- Cooperate with others
- Respect the feelings, beliefs and the way of life of others
- Develop confidence and self esteem
- Be well motivated
- Develop self discipline
- Make decisions for themselves
- Be caring, tolerant and considerate towards each other
- Develop their own moral code
- Communicate with their peers and adults
Our Curriculum Hubs
Our subjects are grouped into 'hubs.' For more information, please use the links below
- Religious Education
- Early Years
- English incorporating Reading, Writing and Phonics.
- Maths
- Technology incorporating Science, Computing and Design Technology
- The World incorporating Geography, History Global Learning and Languages
- Creativity incorporating Art, Music and Drama
- Well-being incorporating Sport and RHE
- Outdoor Learning
Equal Opportunities
Every child has the chance to participate fully in school activities irrespective of gender or race. The school has policies on Racism and Equal Opportunities which are available on request.
Citizenship and Cultural Awareness (Global Learning)
At Boddington Primary Academy each individual is respected and valued. Awareness and respect for people from other cultures is taught through all subjects, where possible. These subjects could include Art, Literature, RE, History, Geography and Music. Throughout the year visitors celebrate aspects of these cultures with the children. Values and relationships are promoted.
We endeavour to give children work to do at home which will support their learning in school. This work is intended to be low impact on time spent by children working at home. We believe that the majority of work that children do should be during school hours. Activities should be tasks related to fluency, reading and spelling in order to consolidate knowledge and prepare them for the next step.
Teaching Styles
A variety of teaching styles is used to deliver the curriculum. Sometimes the whole class is involved, in discussion or instruction, as in Literacy or Numeracy lessons, in specific skills teaching in subjects such as ICT, or in a whole class activity such as P.E. or drama. At other times teachers work with a group of children who may be at a similar level, a mixed ability group or with individual children, whichever teaching method may be most appropriate for the children’s needs. Children also learn from each other through co-operating in groups and working independently on set tasks.
Teachers usually plan work for their class using a theme that covers the concepts they want to teach. These themes have been devised across the Academy Trust.
Careful records are kept to inform us about children’s progress and on areas for future development in all curriculum areas. Progress is discussed with parents at two parents’ evenings in the Autumn Term and Summer Term and a full report is sent in the Spring term.
Foundation Stage Profile
During their first year of school Reception children are assessed through observation and discussion, ensuring they are meeting the requirements of the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage. These assessments are kept in a portfolio for each child and are shared with the parents.
Primary Statutory Assessments
Early years children take the Baseline in the Autumn term and in the summer term, their GLD outcomes are submitted to the Local Authority.
Children in Year 1 take the Phonics Check each June. If they are not successful, they will have another opportunity to re-take it the following year.
Year 2 pupils are assessed during the year, and in May, End of Year Teacher assessments are made, taking into account the outcomes of the statutory KS1 tests taken during May. These are submitted to the Local Authority as the KS1 SATs results.
Children in year 4 take the online multiplication check.
The children in Year 6, at the end of Key Stage 2, are assessed using Statutory KS2 Tests in Mathematics, Reading and GPS( Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). Writing is teacher assessed and submitted, all in accordance with the Government Policy and the STA.
Children with Special Needs
Any child with learning difficulties in any area of the curriculum will receive extra support from both the class teacher and classroom assistants, working in a small group or individually on specific tasks aimed at tackling areas of difficulty. The special needs coordinator gives advice, helps set up programmes of support and monitors Special Needs across the school. Occasionally we might ask for extra support or advice from the local authority’s Pupils Support Service (IPS) and if this occurs parents are always consulted.