A Brief History

Boddington School is a small Church of England primary school set in the village of Upper Boddington. Boddington is a civil parish in South Northamptonshire close to the borders of Warwickshire and Oxfordshire. The parish includes the villages of Lower and Upper Boddington.
The school was built in 1870 on church land on the instruction of a Reverend Edward Sale following the passing of the first Education Act. The school building cost £718 (which would equate to approximately £58,000 today). At that time there was no school in the parish and Reverend Sale gathered contributions from many people, including the Althorp Estate, as well as paying £260 himself toward the cost.
There have, of course, been many changes since 1870 but the original school building remains in use accommodating classes for Years Two to Six.
More Recently

In the 1970s a temporary classroom was erected and this remained on site until the new hall extension was completed in 2001.
Our new building was dedicated by The Bishop of Brixworth, The Right Reverend Paul Barber on the 24 September 2001. Subsequent work has created a new Reception/Year 1 class with a covered outdoor activity area and a large kitchen/work area for cookery classes which also doubles as the Staff Room.
As well as this, an outdoor play area with decking has been added to the rear of the school and new gardens developed with the help of lottery funding.
In recent years we have federated with Culworth Primary School and now share a Headteacher and a Governing Body. In 2013 we converted to Academy status as part of the South Northants Church of England Multi Academy Trust. A move that will secure the future of our small village primary school. Today we have a warm and welcoming school, set in beautiful rural surroundings, offering the very best of education with small teaching groups to the rural communities that surround us.