Your School Governors
Our school is federated with Culworth CE Primary Academy and we have one governing body across both schools.
Our governors work across both schools but we make sure we have representation from both communities.
Types of GovernorFoundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Peterborough. Parent Governors are appointed through direct election by parents. Staff Governors are appointed by the School.
What do Governors Do?
The best way to define the role of a School Governor is that of a 'critical friend' - someone who cares passionately about the school but is also able to see where things can be improved and to make sure that it is done.
Schools are run by a governing body working with the Head Teacher and senior management team. Governing bodies make their decisions based on the advice of various committees that deal with specific issues like the school's curriculum, premises or finances. These committees are staffed by members of the governing body and teaching staff of the school who work together to ensure the children in the school are given the best opportunity to develop to their full potential.
The full governing body meets at six times a year and the committees at least once a term. Governors also have special responsibility for one or more curriculum subject(s) or areas, eg Safeguarding, and we expect governors to take an interest in their nominated responsibility and to visit the school and report back to the full Governing Body on pre-agreed matters within this subject or area.
All new governors attend an introductory governor training session and are allocated a mentor.
The functions of the governing body include:-
• providing strategic management
• acting as a critical friend to the school
• ensuring accountability
• promoting high standards of education and achievement
• planning the schools’ long term future
• setting the school’s aims and values
• appointing senior members of staff including the Head Teacher
• budgetary allocation and control
Interested in becoming a school governor?
..then we would love to hear from you! Either send us an email for more information or arrange to have a chat with our Head of School some time.
Governors (ID 1083)
Sam TuffParent Governor (Boddington)
Sam Tuff
My daughter is just beginning her journey through education having joined in the reception class in September 2021. She has settled really well into the supportive and nurturing environment at Boddington School.
As a new parent at Boddington I am excited about the opportunity to make a contribution to the continued success of this wonderful village school through my role as a parent governor. -
Zoe O'MalleyStaff Governor (Boddington)
Zoe O'Malley
Louise BrownFoundation Governor
Louise Brown
Foundation Governor
Bethan TuckerParent Governor
Bethan Tucker
Lisa CuttellStaff Governor (Culworth)
Lisa Cuttell
Sinead KellyStaff Govenor (Boddington)
Sinead Kelly
Governors who have recently left the Governing Body
Mark Izzet - resigned
Isla Millar - resigned
Hazel Williams - resigned due to job change
Karen Theobald - resigned as joined trust board
Carla Thom - resigned due to job change
Rev Paul Trathen - resigned due to relocation
Gill Nunn - passed away
Charlotte Gustar - resigned due to relocation
Rebecca Boseman - resigned due to job change