Boddington C of E Primary Academy

  • evolve trust


Wrens - Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to Wrens Class

Respect, Believe, Succeed

Here at Boddington, happiness, confidence and excellent personal achievement are our priorities. We know that our nurturing environment gives every single pupil the confidence to strive for the best, that our creative curriculum inspires learning and adventure and that our small classes ensure academic success.

From your child’s very first day with us to the day they leave, they will be on a journey of discovery, exploration and enquiry; a journey which equips them with the skills and knowledge essential for living in the 21st Century.

Boddington develops happy, confident and well-rounded children, giving them the best possible start for life.

About Our Wren Class

​Boddington is a place to discover, share and explore; a place to escape into adventures, a place for surprise and above all, a place where children love to learn.

Unique talents are nurtured through our varied and exciting curriculum, whilst our stimulating and inspiring teaching develops children’s passion and strengths. At Boddington, pupils’ imaginations are ignited from an early stage.


Wren Class - Classroom Pictures

Pictures of the classroom - Promo


Current Learning Topics 

In Wren Class the children cover a range of topics over there time in Early Years, these include:

This is me - Myself, My Family, My Community (Term 1)

Who are you? - People who help us, Celebrations (Term 2)

Where are they? - Seasons, habitats, London (Term 3)

Here and Now - Natural World, England (Term 4)

Around the World - Countries around the world, Climate (Term 5)

Looking Beyond - Space (Term 6)


Wren Class

Wren Class


The Team 

Miss O'Malley (Class Teacher/ Head of School)

"I have over 20 years' experience working with children from birth to the end of the primary education. I have a particular passion for early education. I have been at Boddington since 2016 working throughout the school. 

Mrs Allen (Pre-School Manager - CACHE Level 3)

"I have been working at Boddington for over 10 years and have experience in EYFS and KS1. My passion is within Early Years, I love to see their personalities shine through in everything they do". 

Mrs Ions (Teaching Assistant - Level 3) 

"I came to Boddington as a parent in 2019 joining the PTA soon after. In 2021 I started my employment, supporting children throughout the school. Currently, I work in the schools Nursery Provision, working with children from 2 year of age until they start school in their Reception Year. I also support children throughout Lunchtimes and After School Club"

Outdoor Learning 

We also offer a Forest Schools programme to our children - making use of the local environment. Forest Schools offers an approach to teaching that has been proven to engage children and improve performance.

 Sarah from Forest Bees will join the children in EYFS and KS1 to deliver Forest School throughout the acedemic year. This takes place off site and is fully funded by the Village Hall

Termly Learning Journey


Spring Term Learning Journey 2023

Summer Learning Journey 2022 Wrens

Autumn term Learning Journey 2021 Wrens 


We use Tapestry, an online learning journal that enables educators to capture children's experiences as well as monitor development and learning.
This unique journal is shared online with parents, who are able to see special moments and view their child's progress.

Find Out More

Please contact the school to arrange a tour around our school or for further information.

Telephone: 01327 260120​

Stay up to date with our latest news

We are making you aware that we use social media as part of the school's public duty to evidence pupil's educational development and attainment. We also aim to provide aspects of the schools culture and values particularly for existing and prospective pupils and for the whole school community.

​Follow us on Facebook for our daily updates and upcoming events:

Useful links and documents:

Phonics (RWI)