Our Christian Vision and Values
Our Vision
‘As the wise man builds his house on the rock', so we build our lives on the bedrock of Christian Values. We develop a firm foundation of respect for one another, valuing the differences and diversity in modern Britain today. We nurture a strong belief in ourselves and God. With our faith and our community, we can all succeed and flourish at Boddington.
Respect “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12)
Believe “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe
also in me." ( Psalms 28:7)
Succeed “In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him.” (Samuel 18:14)
Our Values
Our 12 Christian Values are embedded in every part of daily life here at Boddington Primary Academy.Each half term we focus on one value, this is taught through daily interactions, collective worship, bible stories, our behaviour policy and links to everyday life in school. We use a two year rolling program using the Roots and Fruits scheme of work, and award the children for using these values in our weekly celebration assembly. We hope that by the time the children leave us at the end of Year 6 these values will form a solid foundation for future success.
The core values that we have are separated into 2 years.
Our Core Values 2024-2025
- Trust
- Compassion
- Courage
- Forgiveness
- Friendship
- Respect
Our Core Values 2025-2026
- Thankfulness
- Generosity
- Perseverance
- Justice
- Service
- Truthfulness
Children are awarded Values Leaves in our weekly celebration worship to reflect how our 12 values are embedded in our daily lives.