Our Collective Worship
As a school, we come together for daily collective worship. All children, regardless of faith or non-faith, are welcomed to our acts of worship and encouraged to reflect on all they hear and experience. We provide a secure space for children to nurture their own spirituality.
Prayer is invitational where children can chose to make the prayer their own by saying 'Amen' at the end.
Our acts of Collective Worship reflect our Christian status as a Church School. Celebrating, singing, praying and reflecting, all form a strong part of our worship. It is a time where children are encouraged to share prayers they have written and to celebrate work and successes from both school and home. Reflection time is built in to the worship so that thoughts and ideas can be shared. There is a feeling of "family" as we all gather together across the age range of the school. Alongside this we are proud to have strong links with the local church and we work closely with our local vicar. We also visit the local church to enjoy and partake in services such as Harvest, Christingle and Easter as well as gathering to mark important milestones in the lives of our young people such as the Leavers Service at the end of the school year.
The church itself also acts as a precious resource when studying Christianity as part of our R.E. curriculum.
Parents' right to withdraw
At Boddington Academy we aim to make our Collective Worship and Religious Education accessible to all children and indeed our R.E. lessons are often precious times of open discussion and exploration with all views given time and value. Collective Worship, though Christian in flavour, are often times of sharing and celebration and an opportunity for the whole school to gather together as family. However, parents do have the right to withdraw their child either completely or partially from both Collective Worship and R.E. lessons.