Our Church School
Religious Education at Boddington Primary Academy
Why we teach Religious Education?
Inspired by our school vision (Matthew 7.12), here at Boddington Primary Academy Church of England School, we believe that our Christian values underpin our daily school life. We want pupils to leave our school with a rich experience and understanding of Christianity and other world faiths; we are committed to offering them an encounter with Jesus Christ and with Christian faith and practice in a way which enhances their lives.
Our teaching is led by the Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education in the Diocese of Peterborough and 'Understanding Christianity' schemes of work. Through our teaching we encourage children to form a respectful attitude towards all world faiths and in their own search for the meaning of God. We encourage the children to reflect critically and over time develop their own spirituality.
How We Teach Religious Education
We follow a two year rolling programme with 50% of our teaching using the Understanding Christianity Units and 50% from The Diocese of Peterborough syllabus for Religious Education. All children have at least one hour per week of Religious Education, led by a Class Teacher.The units are planned using a text, impact and connections approach. Children learn where the concepts are found, either in the Bible or other religious text, then delve deeper about how that text impacts on believers of the faith. We encourage children to make their own connections and build on these over time.
We have strong links with the local church, the fabulous team from Turn The Page, part of the Woodford Halse Methodist Church (bringing bible stories to life) as well as lay preachers. We enjoy welcoming members of the church into school whenever possible, they have become a big part of our school community and our weekly worship. We visit the local church for a service half termly, where we also enjoy Harvest, Christingle, Christmas and Easter celebrations among others. In addition, we use the Church to celebrate milestones in the children’s young lives, such as Nativity Plays and leaver assemblies.
Finally, we are able to enrich the children’s spiritual experience further by providing a yearly ‘Prayer Space’ for the whole school community, including parents and carers. We also attend regular visits to other places of worship, these have included Coventry and Peterborough Cathedral where we have been able to explore the Christmas and Easter Story guided by their fabulous teaching team. All of these additional experiences give the children time to reflect on their own spiritual journey.
What Religious Education looks like at Boddington
Our Church School
Here at Boddington our Religious Education curriculum is delivered to a high quality, and designed to fit the needs of our children and planned to show progression over time.
We measure the impact to the children by reflecting on the standards achieved against the learning outcomes. We also celebrate our learning in collective worship throughout our weekly assemblies. We also give children the opportunity to makes links with other learning in our curriculum, particularly through our topic work.
Our Church Community
Our Christian Values
Small Schools with Big School Opportunities
Boddington Primary School is federated with Culworth Primary School. We work together to provide a better education for the children of our communities. Together, we are also a part of the The Evolve Church Academy Trust, comprised of 4 primary schools located in the South Northamptonshire area. The schools are all geographically very close to each other in the villages of: Boddington, Chacombe, Culworth and Weedon Lois (St Loys) near to the town of Banbury.Multi Academy Trust and Local Collaborative Trust of the primary schools in the Chenderit Cluster, recently recognised by Companies House. https://www.evolvechurchacademytrust.org/